operation pedro pan. exhibition design proposal by consuelo castaneda to american museum of the cuban diaspora. 2020
OPP exhibition. final version. sketch up images

previous version

our life in cuba  room balloom installation. screening

education-ideology room installation. screening , memorabilia documents
previous versions
Divine promise. Yahweh (God) shows Moses the Promised Land (Frans Pourbus the Elder, c. 1565–80)

The promise that is the basis of the term is contained in several verses of Genesis in the Torah. In Genesis 12:1 it is said:

The LORD had said to Abram, “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you.”

our parents decision room plasma tv. screening on wall, posters
departure room installation right wall. video projection, passports wallpapers prints
departure  room installation left wall. adhesive vinyl text on translucent acrylic on the door.
previous versions
pecera room installation. video projection, objects and photography
previous versions
arrival room installation. airplane seat, memorabilia, projection and framed TV screen with airplane window image 
relocation room installation entrance. map with Airport Log Book Page background and LED lines, panel with printed information, flag and projection
flags , phone, girls room installation. memorabilia (flags, public and domestic telephones, turntable and disc covers), dialogue text on adhesive vinyl
 girls room installation. memorabilia, bunk, swing, closet door, mirrow, picture printed , wallapaper, album covers with headphones with music. mail area. print and memorabilia
boy’s room installation. memorabilia, bunk, swing, closet door, mirrow, picture printed , wallapaper, album covers with headphones with music. mail area. print and memorabilia

Legacy. room 14

Wallpapers ready to print

wp#00-cuban museum logo. Colors. Adhesive vinyl. 95x190in. room 01

Interactive wallpaper that works as a social media browser through QR Codes generated and printed in the museum for visitors

wp#1-flag. Flag with title and logos. Colors. Adhesive vinyl. 95x100in. room1

wp#2-passports. Photos composition (departure). Colors. Adhesive vinyl. 100×168 in (8’4″x 14’4″ft)

wp#3- Airport customs door. Photo (arrival). B/W. Adhesive vinyl. 96×48 in (8’4″x 4’ft)

wp#4- Map. Logbooks composition (relocation). Colors. Adhesive vinyl. 92.09 x 169.03 in (7’10″x 14′ ft). room10

wp#5-Girls-beach. Girls on the beach (life in usa).B/W. Adhesive vinyl. 96×160 in. (8’4″x 13.33′ ft)

wp#8-Boys-dinning. dining room (life in usa).B/W. Adhesive vinyl. 100×160 in. (8’4″x 13.33′ ft)

wp#7-Boys-Dormitory. Dormitory room (life in usa).B/W. Adhesive vinyl. 96×160 in. (8’4″x 13.33′ ft)

wp#8-Forja. Publication Forja (life in usa). Color. Adhesive vinyl. 100” x 160” (8’4″x 13.33′ ft)

wp#9-Airplay. Frame background. b/w. Adhesive vinyl. 101” x 148” (98.25″x 140″ frame area ). room8

wp#11-Painting. Frame Front. b/w. canvas. 75” x 120” (71.25″x 115″ frame area ). room14

TEXTS PANELS ready to print

languaje stickers to texts panels (1.38 x5.55 in ea)


proposal of quotes for floors, walls and ceilings

color variations of fonts and backgrounds to select

Room #2-3-4-5 quotes distribution


QUOTE-Room #2, wall #1. treasures. cv. font: lucida calligraphy and arial

QUOTE-Room #3, Walls #1-2. Reminiscing about

QUOTE-Room #3, Walls #3. life was good, font Bradley hand ITC

QUOTE-Room #3, column #1. our house. font:hobo

QUOTE-Room #3, column #2-1. a typical cuban girl. font: monotype corsiva and arial. #2-2. Before 1959. font: Cooper STD

QUOTE-Room #4, Lightbox #4-1.Mygoodfortune. font: arial

QUOTE-Room #3, beam #3. a wonderful life. font: arial

QUOTE-Room #4, Lightbox #4-2.chilhood. font: arial

QUOTE-Room #4, Column #1, Life Changed

QUOTE-Room #4, Column #2, A House Divided . Column #4-2-1, The Day I Became 

QUOTE-Room #5, lightbox #1.the empty desk. font: arial

italica-title: 270pts – text: 200pts – sign: 133pts

regular- title: 270pts – text: 200pts – sign: 133pts

small-title: 152pts – text: 122pts – sign: 70pts

QUOTE-Room #5, lightbox #5-2, While I slept

QUOTE-Room #5, Beam#5, Lost sence

QUOTE-Room #5, Column#1, .QUOTE-Room #5, Column#2,

QUOTE-Room #6, floor,A dream turned nightmare 

QUOTE-Room #6, Wall #2, Wall #3, Wall #4

QUOTE-Room #7, Wall #1, Wall #2, Wall #3, Col #1, Col #2, Beam #7

QUOTE-Room #9, Wall #2, airplane window (or floor), beam#9


room#9, above Airplane Window from side to side

room#9, text on floor

room#9 wall#3

room#9 wall#4

room#9 column#9-1

room#9 columnl#9-2

room#9. beam #9. we were all…

ROOM # 10

ROOM # 11. column 11-1, column 11-2

Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

ROOM # 11. column 11-2

room#11, beam #11

room #11 wall # 11. gral view

ROOM # 12, col #12-1, col #12-2, beam #12

ROOM # 13: wall #13-1, #13-2, #13-3

wall #13-2


wall# 13-3

ROOM # 14

ROOM # 14

WALLPAPERS-estimado de impresion e instalacion


PRINTS : $5600


Area printeable: 52 inches

Area del papel: 54 inches

La compania de impresion asume los danos de instalacion si esto se hace con sus empleados



Textos, quotes y wallpapers. Medidas de Paredes.

Wp01. Flag-titulo-logos. Pared derecha room 1. Entrance. H 95 x 100 in FINISHED

Wp02-passports. room 7. Colors. Adhesive vinyl. 100×168 in (8’4″x 14’4″ft). FINISHED

Wp 05. Airport door. Pared izquierda. room 9. Arrival. H 95 × 42 hinches
Wp 04 Map. Pared frontal. room 10. Relocalizacion. H 92 1/4 x 249.5 FINISHED

 Texto 01. this is our story. Pared derecha room 2. Lobby. H 94 3/4 x 501/4 in. FINISHED

Texto 02. Our story. Pared frontal room 2. Lobby. H 95 × 72 in.
Texto 03. Our parents decision. Pared izquierda room 4. Cuba. H 95 × 156 In.
Texto 04. Secondary Label for classroom. Pared derecha room 5. Cuba. H 95 × 156 inches

Texto 05.Our Departure from Cuba. Pared izquierda. room 6.Cuba. 95 x 42 in. FINISHED

Texto 06. Near pecera wall. Pared izquierda y derecha. room 7.Departure. H 95 X 42 in. FINISHED

Texto 07. Our arrival in the USA. Pared izquierda y derecha room 9. Arrival. H 95 × 42 in. FINISHED

Texto 08. For Map. room 10 FINISHED
Texto 09.Our life in the USA. Pared derecha room11. usa. H 95 x 156 in. FINISHED

 Quote 01. The empty desk. Pizarra-caja de Luz Izquierda. room 5. Cuba.H 74 × 56 inches

Quote 02. Cuando aquel avión partió. Pared de cristal. room 8.Pecera. H 94.5 x 180.5 in
Quote 03. Mi primer vuelo de avión. Pared derecha. room 8. Pecera. H 94 X 156 in.
Quote 04. Mell Martínez. Pared izquierda. room 8. Pecera. H 94 X 156 in.

Quote 05. While slept. Room 11. Dormitorios. Alquitrabes laterales. H 5 1/4 x 156 in. Alquitrabes pasillo. H 5 1/4 x 176 in
Quote 06. Carmen Valdivia.Room 12. Column izquierda. H 95 x 321/4 in.
Quote 07. The real heroes. Room 14 Legacy.
Quote 08. Fredoom. Room14. Legacy



PECERA. room 08

PIZARRA – LED LAMP. room 4-5

cuatro cajas de metalcubiertas con Masonite por un lado
y acrílico por otro. Iluminadas en su interior por luz LED.

Planchas de MASONITE. 4 units

Flexible LED Strip Light

Conectores LED.4unidades

Planchas de acrílico blanco. 4 units
Goma de contacto o
Doble tape adquisitivo: 43 ft
Remate de madera en forma de L . 8 units
(Para los bordes de las planchas de acrilico)
Remate de madera semicircular. 8 units
(Para los bordes de las planchas de masonite)



Marco para televisor con apariencia de ventanilla de avión.

Plancha de stereo foam w:9 in aprox.
(Area de TV 57 in)
Lijas gruesa y fina
Primer. 1 gallon
White Glossy Paint. 1 gallon

Corte y modelado del foam.
Resano de yeso. tres capas.
Primer. Una capa.
Pintura .Dos capas.

Duración: dos días.
Operarios: Dos personas.







Bancos de madera de 2 ft x 9 ft / bloques de cemento.
6 bancos (asientos o stage)

MATERIALES (por cada mueble):
9 Barras de madera de 2×1 inches de 9 ft de largo
2 tablas de madera de 2×6 inches de 2 ft de largo
4 piezas de madera de 2×4 in de ancho por 6 in de largo
4 bloques de cemento
Pintura de Aceite blanco

Cortar barras de maderas en diagonal según el diseño
Lijar maderas
Ensamblar 2 piezas de ajuste de madera que entran en los bloques de cemento
Fijar las 9 barras del tope a las 2 piezas de ajuste
Aplicar una capa de primer
Aplicar dos capas de pintura blanca







ROOM 1- Entrance


  • wp#1-flag. Flag with title and logos (entrance). Colors. Adhesive vinyl. 95x100in  
  •  Enviar Logotipos para colocar abajo en alta resolucion. CV
  • Send to print and install

ROOM 2 -Lobby


  • Texto 01. this is our story. Pared derecha room 2. Lobby. H 94 3/4 x 501/4 in
  • Texto 02. Our story. Pared frontal room 2. Lobby. H 100.5 × 72 in.
  • Send to print and install

ROOM 3- Life in Cuba


  • Balloms screen
  • Comprar globos blancos , aire de elio para inflar. CV
  • Instalar globos. CV & CC
  • Instalar proyector para VJ sobre Globos. CV


  • Crear archive de fotografia digital en secuencia (organizar y digitalizar documentos). CV
  • Hacer Loop de video de fotografias de Cuba (edicion).??
  • Hacer videos para proyectar sobre los globos (Vj session). CC

ROOM 4- Education


  • Text panel 03. Our parents decision. Pared izquierda room 4. Cuba. H 95 × 156 In
  • Quote 01. The empty desk. Pizarra-caja de Luz Izquierda. room 5. Cuba.H 74 × 56 inches
  • Disenar LABELS de mesas de memorabilia. CC


  • Hacer 2 pizarras con caja acrilica de luz LED al dorso. Diseno CC. Realizacion. CV
  • Hacer Maniqui de Nina de Comunion. CV
  • Disenar lampara de luz LED en blanco para LABELS de mesas de memorabilia. CC
  • Install Proyector


  • Loops archive de imagen digital en secuencia de (organizar y digitalizar  documentos). CV

ROOM 5 – Our Parents Decision


  • Text panel 04. Secondary Label for classroom. Pared derecha room 5. Cuba. H 95 × 156 inches
  • Disenar LABELS de mesas de memorabilia. CC


  • Install Proyector


  • Loops archive de imagen digital en secuencia de (organizar y digitalizar  documentos). CV



  • Text Panel 05. Our Departure from Cuba. Pared izquierda. room 6.Cuba. 95 x 42 in.


  • Install Proyector


  • Hacer VJ session de video loops (fusilamientos). CC

ROOM 7 – Departure room


  • wp#2-passports. Photos composition.room 7. B/W. Adhesive vinyl. 100×168 in (8’4″x 14’4″ft)
  • Texto panel 06. Near pecera wall. Pared izquierda y derecha. room 7.Departure. H 95 X 42 in
  • Disenar LABELS de mesas de memorabilia. CV


  • Mesas blancas con memorabilia. CV

ROOM 8 – Pecera


  • Quote 02. Cuando aquel avión partió. Pared de cristal. room 8.Pecera. H 94.5 x 180.5 in
    Quote 03. Mi primer vuelo de avión.
    Pared derecha. room 8. Pecera. H 94 X 156 in.
    Quote 04. Mell Martínez.
    Pared izquierda. room 8. Pecera. H 94 X 156 in.


  • Colocar maletas de blanco. CV
  • Comprar lamps para proyectar textos con luz en las paredes. CV
  • Install Proyector


  • Video Loops de imagenes de archivo
  • Disenar texto en gift para proyectar (lamps) en las paredes con luz. CV & CC

ROOM 9- Arrival


  • Wp 03. Airport door. Pared izquierda. room 9. Arrival. H 95 × 42 hinches
  • Texto 07. Our arrival in the USA. Pared izquierda y derecha room 9. Arrival. H 95 × 42 in.


  • asientos de avion . CV
  • Imprimir y recortar en foam imagen de Ventana de Avion para enmarcar TV plasma. CC
  • Instalar tv y player


  • Video de la ventana del avion. CC

ROOM 10 – Relocalizacion


  • Wp 04 Map. Pared frontal. room 10. Relocalizacion. H 92 1/4 x 249.5
  • Text panel 08. For Map. room 10


  • Computer con OPP Google Map

ROOM 11 – life in usa


  • wp#7-Boys-bedroom. Pared izquierda room11. B/W. Adhesive vinyl. 100×160 in. (8’4″x 13.33′ ft)
  • Text panel 09.Our life in the USA. Pared derecha room11. usa. H 95 x 156 in.
  • Quote 05. While slept. Room 11. Alquitrabes laterales. H 5 1/4 x 156 in. Alquitrabes pasillo. H 5 1/4 x 176 in


  • Banderas. CV 
  • Litera
  • Cabina Telefonica
  • Instalar TV Plasma
  • asientos

ROOM 12 – life in usa


  • wp#5-Girls-beach. Girls on the beach.Pared izquierda. Room 12.B/W. Adhesive vinyl. 100×160 in. (8’4″x 13.33′ ft)
  • wp#6-Boys-dinning. Pared derecha. Room 12.B/W. Adhesive vinyl. 100×160 in. (8’4″x 13.33′ ft)
  • Quote 06. Carmen Valdivia.Room 12. Column izquierda. H 95 x 321/4 in.



  • Asientos de madera y ladrillos de cemento. 
  • Albums music lamp. CC
  • Light box para Quote 06. Carmen Valdivia (?)
  • Mesa de comedor y reloj

ROOM 13 – Camps


  • wp#8-Forja. Publication Forja. Pared derecha room 13. Color. Adhesive vinyl. 100” x 160” (8’4″x 13.33′ ft)
  • Disenar LABELS de mesas de memorabilia. CC


  • instalacion de multiples televisores. 
  • Mesas


  • Video Loops  de imagenes de archivo

ROOM 14 – Our Legacy (VIP and Reseach Center)


  • wp#9-PP-painting. Room 14. Color. Adhesive vinyl. 100” x 160” (8’4″x 13.33′ ft)
  • Quote 07. The real heroes. Room 14 Legacy.
    Quote 08. Fredoom. Room14. Legacy


  • Light box para Quote 0
  • TV plasmas
  • Furnitures
  • mesas
  • maletas




pintar paredes de negro

instalar pantallas tv

instalar proyectores

imagenes de albums de musica

playlist de musica




Wp#01. Flag-titulo-logos. Pared derecha room 1. Entrance. H 95 x 100 in

Send to print and install

wp#2-passports. Photos composition (departure). Colors. Adhesive vinyl. 100×168 in (8’4″x 14’4″ft)

  • Send to print and install

wp#3- Airport customs door. Photo (arrival). B/W. Adhesive vinyl. 96×48 in (8’4″x 4’ft)

• Escanear imagen en alta resolucion (600 dpi). 50 to100MB. CV
• Design wallpaper. CC

wp#4- Map. Logbooks composition (relocation). Colors. Adhesive vinyl. 100×264 in (8’4″x 22′ ft)

send to print and install

wp#5-Girls-beach. Girls on the beach (life in usa).B/W. Adhesive vinyl. 100×160 in. (8’4″x 13.33′ ft)

• Escanear imagen en alta resolucion (600 dpi). 80 to100MB. CV
• Design wallpaper. CC

wp#6-Boys-dinning. dining room (life in usa).B/W. Adhesive vinyl. 100×160 in. (8’4″x 13.33′ ft)

• Send to print

wp#7-Boys-bedroom. bedrooms (life in usa). B/W. Adhesive vinyl. 100×160 in. (8’4″x 13.33′ ft)

• enviar imagen en alta resolucion (600 dpi). 80 to100MB. CV
• Design wallpaper. CC

wp#8-Forja. Publication Forja (life in usa). Color. Adhesive vinyl. 100” x 160” (8’4″x 13.33′ ft)

• Send to print and install

wp#9-PP-painting. Children with suitcases (legacy). Color. Adhesive vinyl. 100” x 160” (8’4″x 13.33′ ft)

• Medida del marco
• Design wallpaper. CC

screening. plan

screening. proposal design by ccc

Screening 1- Life In Cuba. video sequence of historical archives. room 3

Screening 2- Changes in school. video sequence of historical archives. room 4

Screening 3-Militarization of the education system.video sequence of historical archives. room 5

Screening 4-Our parents’ decision.Vj session with video sequence of historical archives ( executions of political opponents), communist propaganda and photographs of the arrival of the rebel army to power, etc. room 6

Screening 5- Pecera. video sequence of historical archives. room 8

Screening 6- Pecera. Quotes. gif animation. room 8

Screening 7- Airplane window.  video sequence of historical archives and aerial views. room 9

Screening 8- Relocation. OPP Google Map. room 10

Screening 9- Life in USA. Film. room 11

Screening10- Camps. Multiple screenings of video sequence of historical archives or extended screen. Room13

Screening 11- Legacy. video sequence of historical archives.

Screening 12- Facade. Open source screening of local artists invited

Screening 1- Life In Cuba.mapping or vj sessions of archival materials and memorabilia exhibited in the room are presented as nostalgic memories

Screening 4-Our parents’ decision. documentary screenings and vj sessions of archival materials

Screening 7- Airplane window. video loops air views from Cuba to Miami, archives material includes

Screening 8- Relocation. OPP-google map


A playlist of visual artwork of cuban artists emigrated to the United States is screening at the facade of the Museum during the period of the exhibition OPP

CONVOCATORY TO VISUAL ARTISTS related with the Cuban Diaspora