CCC. INSTALLATION. Homage to Gego. 2011.
DIAMETER : 15 ft (180 in)
UPPER LENGTH OF THE SPIRAL: 79 ft + 6.5 in (954.5 in)
Phase 1: drawing spiral of 50 segments of 16 inches to situate 51 hangers on ceiling.
Phase 2: Insert metal strip (w: 3 in) into the top slot of the fabric.
Phase 3: Hang the top of the fabric on the respective hangers with steel cables.
Phase 4: Insert cable into the bottom slot of the fabric.
Phase 5: Fix 36 pieces of plastic net to the ceiling at four points each with screws (folded). Net curtain waid: 42″/Plastic Top wide:52″
Phase 6: Individually unfold the 36 pieces of plastic netting so that they hang.
Phase 7: Tie the pieces of plastic net together with fishing thread at selected points to create volumes.
Phase 8: Place spotlights to illuminate the piece.
Phase 9: Place a projector to screen onto the piece.