untitled (from the series “Speed-Split”. Hands Diptych)


untitled (from the series “Speed-Split”. Hands Diptych). 1998. 2 d-print on paper. 33 x 44 in.  ( Ed. 2 of 5 + 1 ap.)

The first impression of this photography is part of the permanent collection of PAMM (Perez Art Museum Miami)
untitled (from the series “Speed-Split.” Hands Diptych). 1998. 2. D-print on
paper. 6×4 feets. Ed of 1/5 + 1 ap.



consuelocastaneda-net-hands01-2008 consuelocastaneda-net-hands02-2008

inside-out-pamm-2017-92st and ocean-mia-beach-03

PAMM Inside|Out. 2017. Surfside. Miami Beach.


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