Light & lamps

Light & Lamps Exhibition: Semi-permanent installations created by visual artists who speak from visual components related to the luminaire Installation process: Ceiling-rigid surfaces are Velcro attached to the ceiling and serve as support for hanging luminous...
Trought the looking glass-event-installation

Trought the looking glass-event-installation

  event Through the looking glass theme gastronomy, inverted dinner reference Lewis Carol,Tim Burtom movie, tea time installation Utensils arranged in reverse, edibles objets visuals movies, scale performances Background voice presenting the menu collaboration...
NoALaBienalDeLaHabana Exhibition Design

NoALaBienalDeLaHabana Exhibition Design

NoALaBienal. exhibition of artist’s posters. November 2021. American Museum of the Cuban Diaspora. miami. fl. usa curator: Jesus Rosado posters by artists poster-annelys poster-azaceta poster-calzada poster-consuelo poster-gorki poster-juansi01...